For information on ways to encourage honesty and prevent misconduct in online courses, please see the University of Missouri System’s resource page on academic integrity advice, including descriptions of available technologies.
The Office of Academic Integrity is responsible for upholding the University of Missouri’s rules regarding academic honesty governing student work, and for supporting our University’s commitment to intellectual pluralism in the classroom.
The University of Missouri expects every student to abide by rules requiring academic integrity, which are part of the Standard of Conduct outlined by the University of Missouri System’s Collected Rules and Regulations. As our Board of Curators have recognized, “academic honesty is essential for intellectual life of the University.” UM System Collected Rules and Regulations § 200.010 (C)(1). Accordingly, each student must take our Honor Pledge:
I strive to uphold the University values of respect, responsibility, discovery, and excellence. On my honor, I pledge that I have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance on this work.
Intellectual pluralism is also essential to our community’s educational mission. The University of Missouri supports the American Council on Education’s Statement on Academic Rights and Responsibilities, which states
Intellectual pluralism and academic freedom are central principles of American higher education. . . .
Colleges and universities should welcome intellectual pluralism and the free exchange of ideas. Such a commitment will inevitably encourage debate over complex and difficult issues about which individuals will disagree. Such discussions should be held in an environment characterized by openness, tolerance and civility.
The Office of Academic Integrity’s mission is to defend our collective commitment to these two important values, academic honesty and intellectual pluralism.
Office of Academic Integrity Staff
Professor Ben Trachtenberg, Director
Cathleen Wood, Senior Program/Project Support Coordinator